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Friday, May 14, 2010

All I need to know I learned from Betty White

What is a photograph? Seems like a very silly question but when I read articles, books and news in the photography world it is a HUGE question. Is a photograph what the camera captures? Is it still a photograph after I do basic adjustments like contrast, color correction? What about when I make teeth whiter, a nose (or a rear) slightly smaller? What about when I make my 7 year old a flying super man above the Grand Canyon? So what in the world does that have to do with Betty White?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Go on let 'em shoot ya!

It is Mother's Day weekend. You know the camera is coming out. I'm not sure about your house but I am usually the one behind the lens so the remainder of my family does not have the same eye for composition as me. So, how 'bout we give all those 7 year olds a few tips to make Mom look at tad better in her annual we love you photo.

Puke Makes Great Photos & Weight Loss.

On Monday, I went to the zoo with my son's 1st grade class. A perfect fabulous day: not cold, not hot, not windy just perfect. We had a lovely time roaming the zoo with his class. The bus left and we kept our son and stayed a bit longer at the zoo. So, I am waiting with the baby while the "men" hit the restroom. Sitting there with the baby and stoller checking the email not a care in the world on this perfect day. An 8 year old walks up. Stops. Just pukes right there doesn't even try to move to the bathroom. Which as a Mom I totally understand but still it is gross. Now, please keep in mind that even though I am a Mom I still cry when I myself puke. It is horrible and miserable and just one of those "unfair" cards we are dealt every now and again.