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Friday, May 7, 2010

Puke Makes Great Photos & Weight Loss.

On Monday, I went to the zoo with my son's 1st grade class. A perfect fabulous day: not cold, not hot, not windy just perfect. We had a lovely time roaming the zoo with his class. The bus left and we kept our son and stayed a bit longer at the zoo. So, I am waiting with the baby while the "men" hit the restroom. Sitting there with the baby and stoller checking the email not a care in the world on this perfect day. An 8 year old walks up. Stops. Just pukes right there doesn't even try to move to the bathroom. Which as a Mom I totally understand but still it is gross. Now, please keep in mind that even though I am a Mom I still cry when I myself puke. It is horrible and miserable and just one of those "unfair" cards we are dealt every now and again.

So, we leave the contaminated area and I take a moment to clean off the wheels of the stroller. Yes, nasty but also a total a Mom thing to do. The baby is unharmed (meaning no erp on him) and we are ready to roll. So, we head out and and some fun getting some silly shots of the animals. It was really rather fun because my 7 year old had the point and shoot digital and was taking shots and asking me for help with composition and lighting since I am the pro. Very fun for sure.

Yes, it is true I usally photograph the joy we find in the everyday lives of people but on this day it was the expression of animals that we found exciting. So, I hope you enjoy a couple fun photos from our day at the zoo.

Oh yeah... I know you want to know about the weight loss. Well, the nice little sick boy at the zoo shared his germs with me and as of today (Friday) I am 12 pounds lighter from all the hurling I did by Wednesday. But hey.... I got the shot and lost more weight than an average week on TVs Biggest Loser! A perfect day for sure!

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